Ask "why" to get better testimonials, Built For Teams has a great testimonial, tune in to me on a livestream

(This originally appeared in my newsletter. Sign up now to get content like this every Monday.)

We're talking testimonials today, folks:

  • Tip: Get more specific testimonial quotes by asking your customers "why"

  • Example: HR software company Built for Teams has a great testimonial quote on their website. 

  • Thought: 45 straight minutes of a friend and I talking about what makes a good testimonial quote. Tune in. 


Tip: ask why to get great testimonials

You've got a customer on the phone. They're talking about how great your product is - but they're saying vague stuff like "I would highly recommend this product."

Here's what you do: ask "why." Then ask it again. The more times you ask, the more specific information they'll give you about the value your product adds and how it makes them feel.

That's your testimonial quote. Not some wishy-washy term that could apply to anyone.

Example: Check out this great testimonial quote

Speaking of testimonial quotes, Built For Teams has a great one on their website. It says:

"Implementing Built for Teams makes us more efficient, with better processes, so we're not spinning our wheels with nine different spreadsheets."

I love two things about this:

  1. "Spinning our wheels" is so evocative. You picture wheels spinning, but the car not going anywhere. It paints a really vivid picture in your mind - not just of what the problem looked like, but how it made them feel.

  2. "Nine different spreadsheets" is so clear. It's not just "we were inefficient." It's telling us exactly how they were inefficient.

I'd probably drop the first bit, though - about efficiency and better processes. All that stuff's covered by references to wheel spinning and nine spreadsheets!

Thought: Talking testimonials on a livestream

Couple weeks ago, I spent 45 minutes talking testimonials on my friend Todd's Messaging Matters show. We talked about the stuff I talked about up above, along with a bunch of other practical tips to dial in your testimonial quotes. 

Tune in here: 

That's all. Hope you enjoyed.

If you know someone who writes marketing material designed to get people to take a specific action, forward this on to them. I bet they use testimonial quotes, and I bet this newsletter helps them find some quotes that can be improved.

Have a great week


PS: I'm taking on landing page reviews again. $799 for an in-depth review of your landing page copy, with written and video advice on how to make it convert more traffic into leads. Buy one here.

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