Page in a day

Page in a day

Get fresh new landing page copy by this time next week.

A whole page delivered in a day, by this time next week. Great if you just need to get something out there.

Perfect if you:

  • Don’t have the time to write it yourself.

  • Need copy now - not weeks or months from now.

  • Can’t afford, or straight up can’t be bothered with, a multi-month, multi thousand dollar conversion copywriting project with surveys, customer interviews and all those other bells and whistles.

Book a page in a day and get fresh new copy delivered this time next week.

7-day turnaround.

(Not ready to pull the trigger on $1,999? You can book a review instead - I’ll give you actionable feedback you can work through yourself. $799 - book here.)

When you need copy fast

Maybe your home page was whipped together with the best intentions to “come back and fix it later.”

Maybe your landing pages are out of date as your product and strategy have evolved.

Or maybe you know that your copy is a bit (maybe more than a bit!) off, but you just cannot find the time or energy to fix it.

Or, maybe you need copy now. Not weeks from now.

Maybe you know you can’t go back to your sales team and tell them that new page they’ve been asking for will be ready. . . at the end of next quarter.

If that’s you, then a page-in-a-day is exactly what you need. For a fixed cost of $1,999, you can get copy for your home page or landing page whipped up in a day. What’s more, I can usually slot you in next week.


It’s fast and easy:

15-minute call

We have a very quick chat. We figure out what you’re trying to do, and whether page-in-a-day is a good fit. If you’re a good fit, we book in our day and you move on to . . .

fill out a form

Tell me what kinds of problems you’re trying to solve. Explain your product, brand and voice. So on, so forth. This gives me the context I need for . . .

30-60 minute briefing call

Now we have an actual briefing. I use your form responses to ask more intelligent questions, and really get to the bottom of what you’re trying to achieve.

Your day of copy

I get to work on the day we agreed. You do whatever else you had planned - I take care of this bit.

You get fresh, new copy

At the end of the day, I give you fresh, new copy. No bells and whistles here - if it’s a new page, you get a Google doc. If it’s an existing page, I’ll send you a Google doc alongside screenshots of what the copy will look like in situ. Too easy.

Some use cases

Here’s some examples where page-in-a-day might be a good fit:

  • You’ve pivoted your product, but your website and landing pages are still talking about the old way of doing things.

  • You’ve carried out customer research, but can’t find the time to turn the insights into copy.

  • You need to get a campaign out the door ASAP - and you have no idea when you’re going to write the copy.

  • You launched a “first cut” of a page, and life immediately got in the way of looking at it again.

  • You cringe every time you see your most important pages - but you’re pulled in too many different directions to possibly do them yourself.

One last thing on pricing . . .

That $1,999 is in NZD and plus GST if you’re in New Zealand. If you’re not, that’s US dollars.


"The home page review helped me dramatically improve a page that had great reviews but a low conversion rate. Sam diagnosed a critical positioning error while also recommending some key copywriting changes to boost sales. He fixed the structure and sequencing of the messaging to better align with the psychology of the buyer."

 Dekker Fraser, Senior Product Marketing Manager and author of multiple business books.

"Sam just reviewed one of my websites. Did a brilliant job and worth every cent. Highly recommended."

-David Hellyer, Owner, Packaging Recyclers

“I've been struggling with copy for a long time. I've read all sorts of articles and books and even paid a few different people to help, but my unique set of challenges thwarted everything I tried. So I really mean it when I say nobody "got" my situation as clearly as Sam. He saw exactly the tradeoffs I was trying to make and uncovered the missing pieces that solved the copy puzzle for me. Thanks, Sam!”

-Ben Mosier, HiredThought