Landing page review

I tell you how your copy is bad then help you make it better.

Book a review and I’ll show you how to:

  • Make your value propositions more compelling

  • Make your headlines more attention-grabbing

  • Focus your copy on how you resolve real customer pain - and get rid of the words that don’t

And the best bit:

Usually, it’s a matter of small changes that make a big impact. Once you get your review, you can implement the changes and start seeing results ASAP.

7-day turnaround. Money back guarantee.

(Not ready to pull the trigger on $799? You can do it yourself by downloading this home page copy review checklist.)

Small changes make a big impact

I’ve been a copywriter since 2010. Since then, I’ve seen too many landing pages to remember - but at the same time, I keep seeing the same mistakes.

Things like . . .

  • Lack of specificity

  • Too much jargon

  • No differentiation

  • Critical information left out

(and the big one)

  • Forgetting to tell readers what your product actually does

Not only are these mistakes really common, they’re also really fixable.

In a landing page review, I find these errors and give you clear feedback you can implement today. You probably don’t even need to hire a copywriter. Just implement my feedback and get your page humming.

Who are landing page reviews for?

Here’s a few landing page reviews I’ve done:

  • A payments API company had been going around in circles on their new home page. They needed an external review to break the logjam and find a way forward.

  • A construction software company had launched a new website - but they knew the copy needed some work. They brought me in to diagnose and fix the biggest copy issues.

  • A consultant knew his information product landing page needed work. He’d tried to do it himself, but he just couldn’t find the time or develop the expertise on his own.

What you get

I’ll identify the smallest-effort, largest-impact changes you can make to your landing page. That looks like:

  1. A short video teardown (15 minutes or so)

  2. A one-page document outlining the highest-impact changes you can make - as well as the reason why

Here’s how it works:

  1. You fill out a form

  2. You get an invoice and a confirmation of when your review will be ready

  3. I review your home page and send you a 15-minute (ish) video of my feedback, along with a one-page document outlining the highest-impact changes.

  4. You implement the changes and put your new home page to work

That’s it! Look forward to seeing your home page.

(A note on pricing: if you’re in NZ, that’s $NZD799+GST. If you’re anywhere else, it’s $US799.)


"The home page review helped me dramatically improve a page that had great reviews but a low conversion rate. Sam diagnosed a critical positioning error while also recommending some key copywriting changes to boost sales. He fixed the structure and sequencing of the messaging to better align with the psychology of the buyer."

 Dekker Fraser, Senior Product Marketing Manager and author of multiple business books.

"Sam just reviewed one of my websites. Did a brilliant job and worth every cent. Highly recommended."

-David Hellyer, Owner, Packaging Recyclers

“I've been struggling with copy for a long time. I've read all sorts of articles and books and even paid a few different people to help, but my unique set of challenges thwarted everything I tried. So I really mean it when I say nobody "got" my situation as clearly as Sam. He saw exactly the tradeoffs I was trying to make and uncovered the missing pieces that solved the copy puzzle for me. Thanks, Sam!”

-Ben Mosier, HiredThought


Take a look at these examples

Take a look at these home page reviews . They give a good view of my approach, the sorts of things I look for, and where I can add value.

If you don’t want to spend $799, just have a look at these and have a go on your own. Pair them with this copy review checklist to really nail it.