Making pain points explicit

(This originally appeared in my newsletter. Sign up now to get content like this every Monday.)

Was bragging on Linkedin the other day about this headline I wrote for a company called Conqa:

Got some thoughtful feedback in the comments:

It's a great question! At first glance, the phrase does look a bit redundant. Answering it is a good opportunity to explain my thinking, and brag a little more.

A little context: afterthought QA is a HUGE pain point for this company's audience. Firing up a laptop with a spreadsheet or filling out paperwork at the end of the day or week is time-consuming and annoying.

So the "not as an afterthought" statement draws a direct line from that "as you go" benefit to the pain it relieves. It's possible that we could have saved a few words, and let people figure the pain point for themselves. But I'm a huge fan of making these benefit-pain relief connections as explicit as possible, even if it means writing a few more words.

Have a look at the whole case study presentation and weigh in if you're interested.

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